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A person makes an intention of fasting on the 1st day of Ramadn for
the entire month. Do any of the Imms consider this to be sufficient?
According to Imam AbB Hanifah rahimahullah, Imam Shafi‛i
rahimahullah and Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal rahimahullah making
intention to fast for the entire month on the first day of the month is
not enough. Instead, a separate intention must be made each day.
Imam Malik rahimahullah is of the view that an intention on the first
day for the entire month will suffice. Therefore, it will not be
necessary to make a new intention for each day. If the person
experiences anything which breaks the intention, it will be necessary
for him to renew his intention. Sehri takes the place of an intention.
An intention is automatically considered when a person partakes of
Allah ta‛ala knows best.