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Mob: 07707 753378
info@masjidmuhammad.ukQuestion: A person has the intention of Sunnah i‛tikaf. However, he only reached the masjid a few hours after the 21st of Ramadan commenced. Will his i‛tikaf be considered a Sunnah i‛tikaf? Answer: The Sunnah i‛tikaf comprises of the full ten days. In other words, he must be inside the masjid a short while before […]
Question: A person applies “Vicks” while he was fasting. Does his fast break? Answer: The effect of Vicks reaches the brain, and not the actual substance. The fast will therefore not break. For example, a fasting person applies antimony (surmah). The effect of it is felt in the throat. Similarly, applying oil to the head […]